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Augusto Tijerina

~❯ notes


Portability of Technical Documentation

Sysadmin 2024-February-17


Portability of Technical Documentation

Sysadmin 2023-January-07

I document things compulsively. Multiple long comments in tickets, dates, sections, screenshots, URLs, paragraphs of relevant data are always stored.

I've gone through many different standards of documentation, tools and platforms and I end up going back to the simplest due to the horrible limitations of the most sophisticated tools.

There is a very important lesson in complexity management when we always come back to the conept of text files and linking relations between these files. Quite often, the simplest, oldest solutions just needs some updating to beat the newest, most complex ones.

Keep it simple.


The Forest of Trust

Sysadmin 2023-August-18

Windows admins are a breed of their own.

During a Disaster Recovery Exercise some years ago I was troubleshooting stale DNS referencing in some Linux servers pointing to an Active Directory ***spit** server. That is, after changing the IP on their end, the hostname still pointed to the old one.

"Is the server in the Forest of Trust?", tentatively asked me the Windows big-gun.

For a second I had flashbacks of moving up-left-down-left in the Lost woods in the first Zelda NES game, never reaching the damn end. Spiky red blobs chasing me.

No it isn't, the server was not even registered to an AD domain, the mockery of DNS that is that Microsoft crap was stale-caching stuff as it often does. TTLs are mistreated by that thing like an angry end user to a clueless helpdesk guy on the phone.

That marked the beginning of some weird shenanigans involving DNS, and me working around it with hosts entries.


Lost Woods, NES
Accurate representation of the Forest of Trust

19 Years and counting.

Sysadmin 2023-July-20

Just noticed this, it's been 19 years since I started mainlining Linux. There's a long, convoluted history of me playing with OS before getting on track with it, but at this point I was pretty much using it exclusively.

Linux Counter for Augusto Tijerina

Why do you write your content in English?

Sysadmin 2023-July-3

I've been asked this a few times, and most recently last month, hinting I was doing it out of arrogance, as if to show off. The easy, short response is practice.
I simply need to practice.

I have to read, write and speak in English to communicate in my daily work, mostly with a mixture of Americans from Southern states and people from India/Bharat with English as a second language. Add our multinational workload like our beloved Polish team and you get nice idiomatic expressions and different flavors of technical and business idioms in the stream.

Most of the people I've met does not like to read or write (due to poor Educational methods that used it almost as a punishment), specially in non-native languages. This usually means their reading and writing skills plateau at the point where they can understand and be understood enough to get by, and they leave it at that.

The problem with that is it's way easier to get worse than it is to get better.

I love reading and writing, sometimes listening and talking, and my goal is to be able to express and understand as much as possible.
It's one of my prime mandates: communicate the best you can, be as clear as you can.

Anecdotally, it's a bit sad to see the slow decline of language skills in some of the best technical people I know. Engineers with longer careers and wider knowledge bases than me make such silly, embarrassing mistakes in emails, chats or meetings that I cannot help but feel a bit of self awareness and try to recognize and correct my own.

A little bit of practice would be good for all of us.

A little lie goes a long way.

Sysadmin 2023-June-27

It's common practice in polite conversation to lie on small issues by omission or to avoid friction. Small things that are largely inconsequential aren't a big issue. However, I have found a common lie in my socio-cultural environment: "You've dissappeared or are hard to contact."

This usually happens when meeting people casually in public places. I find it a bit surprising because I try to respond to communication attempts whenever I receive them. After asking for details, it seems that no one actually uses anything else but Meta-based apps to communicate (Whatsapp, Facebook, Instagram), and if they don't see me there, they just don't care enough to check any other way and it becomes a convenient excuse for inaction.

Needless to say, I am not interested in keeping in touch with that kind of people. Not only are they lying, but they are also actively engaged in an erosive practice that I do not condone. To put into easier to understand terms: Use whatever you want to communicate, and I'll use whatever I want.

There's a contact box right here, you can use it to get in touch with me. I do write back, and I also keep several Instant Messaging platforms accounts that I consider both useful and safe.

I do not dissapear and I am not hard to contact.

Silver Accolade for June

Sysadmin 2023-June-18

I won a Silver Accolade. Feels good to be recognized.

Silver Accolade, New atos

Healthy restrictions on Cognitive Toxins.

Sysadmin 2023-April-19

I will not abide these toxic elements in my Network. To hell with them.

No DNS resolution for Social Media

A familiar obsession.

Sysadmin 2023-March-20

I've pondered a bit on a subject, I admit I look at it a bit too rationally to weigh emotions into this:
When is having family present in your life an obsessive impulse?.

I look at some of my peers, acquaintances and teammates and I can't help but wonder about it.

They are living physically present with their nuclear family:

  • They are in constant physical contact with their extended family.
  • They spend most of the time with their nuclear family.
  • They are in constant communication with their nuclear family when not present; ie, messages at work.

They are present in their digital life:

  • Pictures on their phones.
  • Pictures on their computers.
  • Pictures on their devices.
  • Videos on their devices.
  • Pictures on their consumer social media.
  • Mentions of them in their devices.
  • Pictures on their instant communication applications.
  • Mentions on their instant communication applications.

They are usually brought to attention in their work life:

  • Mentions about family in teams communications.
  • Pictures about family vacations or events in teams communications.
  • Noise of family activities during team communications.
  • Video of family activities during team communications.
  • Sometimes they even work in the same company, or geographical area or directly related-business.

Family is present in their recreational activities:

  • Free time is spent with family.
  • Family activities comprise most of pleasurable actions.
  • Most activities are meant to be shared.

They are present in their physical life:

  • They have pictures of their family in their family home.
  • They have pictures in their wallets.
  • They have pictures in their office.
  • They have decorative family objects away from the family home.
  • There are family stickers in the family car.
  • Property ownership is based around family ties.
  • Sometimes, there are family tattoos.
  • There are also family scars, of course.

Isn't it a bit too present?
Isn't it too much?

Family is a relationship. A shared bond between people, and sometimes animals and objects.
It is frequently the source of our greatest joys. And of our greatest sorrows.
It shapes human mind. But it also twists it.
It builds great things. And it also destroys them.

It's not an end goal of itself.

To me, they look like they don't have a family. They have an obsession with forming part of one.
An obsession to feel that they belong, and constantly, maddeningly reassure themselves of membership.

This is me. This is my {son,daughter,wife,husband,brother,sister,father,mother,uncle,aunt,niece,nephew,pet,property}. This is our relationship. We are doing something together. That is who we are.

Oddly enough, this obsessive trait does not seem to be helping the status of most families.
Families still break and bend and deform at the same rate as they always have.
Loss, and pain, and suffering and misery still seep out of groups of humans at the same constant, beating rate as they always have.
You don't need to believe me, look around you, observe, and tell me this world is even affected by this obsession.
Tell me if this world is a bit better because of this.

Defining oneself by relationships ends up removing key characteristics of the self.
You lose choice, you lose will and the enrichment that comes from multiple individual variations and permutations in favor of a single amorphous blob of identity.
An amoeba of all joined without identity beyond being inside.
And it has cilia and it tries to reach and eat everything, your work, your love, your mind, your body, your self all the time.

May they never lose their family. They no longer have even a sense of self.

It never stops entertaining.

Sysadmin 2023-February-12

I still find messing around with Linux distributions enjoyable.

Multiple Linux Distributions

Looking for book tracking services with wider publications databases.

Sysadmin 2023-January-03

I made my yearly count of how many books I've read last year. The total came at around 63, depending on the length of some novellas and smaller publications. My problem is, I have stopped tracking them in goodreads because of the same issue I had with booklikes: A lot of the things I read are not yet in their database, regardless of the format or information I input there to track.

I frequently read some light novels, not very widely distributed technical publications or even obscure older books that aren't present in goodreads when I search. This leaves me stuck with a few choices: I can either try to add it, at least partially, with slightly incomplete data, or I can just track them in my personal file.

I'll be looking at some other services as alternatives (which appear to be fewer and proportionally smaller), but in the meantime, a text file in my repo will have to fulfill my requirements.


Champagne Accolade

Sysadmin 2022-December-04

I have won another recognition accolade.
I'm grateful as always.

Champagne Accolade.

The Old Ways

Sysadmin 2022-August-25
There's no mindset. Only the zone.
There's no grind. Only the zone.

There's no devops. Only the flow.
There's no agile. Only the flow.
There's no scrum. Only the flow.

There's no cloud. Only servers. 
There's no cloud. Only network.
There's no cloud. Only the clown.

There's no infosec. Only security.
There's no devsecops. Only security.

There's no qa. Only testing.
There's no sdet. Only testing.

The new is old. The way is the same.
The way we walk it, that's what changes.

From the ones that walked it before me, I learn.
For the ones that will walk it after me, I'll teach.

Silver Accolade

Sysadmin 2022-June-30

I have just found out I won this, it's a small award given by Managers at atos as a recognition of one's performance.
It does feels good to be recognized.

The Accolade.

Missed opportunities in linux naming schemes, or geeking out to the periodic table and getting frustrated when no one gets it.

Sysadmin 2022-April-18

I'm a Linux enthusiast through and through. I frequently install and test distros for fun, and I like to learn about their lore and community culture besides the obvious technical specifications that identify and differentiate each one.

There is a company called System76 that makes Linux-based personal computers, laptops or desktops. I've always wanted to try one, since their design appears interesting.
Years ago they announced they would release their own linux distribution.

I'm such a damn nerd that my first thought was: "It's brilliant. They can use the name and nomenclature of the 76th element of the periodic table for their distro!. It matches perfectly— Osmium, OS, element 76, a transition metal, it even looks cool in crystal form."

They named it Pop!_OS.
And its colorscheme accent is cyan.


Text editing. In space!

Sysadmin 2022-April-21

I'm a long time user of traditional Unix text editors. I also enjoy using new IDEs and development setups. While we usually have extremely limited choices on professional/enterprise/work setups the experience is completely different in your personal projects and freelance work.
Back at my previous workplace we had to unify everything from scratch so we had a chance to select whatever was more comfortable and least expensive to the team, so I have some knowledge about usage at professional level.

While this might sound like personal preference, bear in mind we completed around 100 technical projects based around web development and digital marketing. These choices were tested, customized and if needed, replaced by tools that would help us fulfill our professional duties

There are 2 text editors that are usually considered the best in their categories. They're also venerated history of Unix, Linux and see heavy development and usage: emacs and vim.

I take a pragmatical approach and use both, but after long term usage I've come to realize I tend to configure them in ways that make them slightly prone to break after version updates and they're a bit harder to mantain since I have to transplant it to Windows servers or barebones Linux jumphosts. Sometimes, due to security constraints, you are limited to just plain emacs and vi. It's uncomfortable, but it beats not using them.

There are many configuration kits or starter packs that help you, after a lot of testing, I've settled using the space* projects for both. I've also found that you can copy the configuration and framework folders and transplant them to a different server or workstation and get the same experience.
Here's the quick reference for installation and a useful layer list snippet for each. I'm also including my cleaned up, basic configuration files.

emacs: Spacemacs


Config file: $HOME/.spacemacs

Install process:

git clone ~/.emacs.d
cd ~/.emacs.d
git checkout develop

Sample configuration, package list:

;; List of configuration layers to load.
    ;;(javascript :variables javascript-fmt-tool 'prettier)
    ;; ----------------------------------------------------------------
    ;; Example of useful layers you may want to use right away.
    ;; Uncomment some layer names and press `SPC f e R' (Vim style) or
    ;; `M-m f e R' (Emacs style) to install them.
    ;; ----------------------------------------------------------------
    (ivy :variables ivy-enable-icons t)
    (markdown :variables markdown-live-preview-engine 'markdown)
    ;; (shell :variables
    ;;        shell-default-height 30
    ;;        shell-default-position 'bottom)
    ;; spell-checking
    (tabs :variables
          tabs-auto-hide t
          tabs-auto-hide-delay 3.0)
    (treemacs :variables treemacs-use-follow-mode 'tag)
    (treemacs :variables treemacs-use-filewatch-mode t)
    (treemacs :variables treemacs-use-all-the-icons-theme t)
    (unicode-fonts :variables unicode-fonts-enable-ligatures t)
    (unicode-fonts :variables unicode-fonts-ligature-modes '(text-mode))

.spacemacs download

vi: Spacevim


Config file: $HOME/.SpaceVim.d/init.toml

Install process:

curl -sLf | bash

Sample configuration, layers list:

    name = "autocomplete"
    auto-completion-return-key-behavior = "complete"
    auto-completion-tab-key-behavior = "cycle"                
    name = "fzf"
    name = 'shell'
    default_position = 'top'
    default_height = 30


    name = "format"
    format_on_save = false


  name = "lang#markdown"

  name = "lang#sh"


    name = "lsp"

    name = "jceb/vim-orgmode"

init.toml download

The futility of political discussions.

Sysadmin 2022-March-11

Politics during our time period are a very bad mix of thinly veiled economical interests and partisanship as an unifiying tactic.

There's not a single political ideology, party, candidate or culture that uses logic and reason as a fundamental part of its makeup.

This is not my opinion, I am merely stating a fact. Feel free to find a single reasonable political ideology that is not filled to the brim with contradictions, historical mistakes or outright criminal, immoral and unethical behavior.
All of them. Not flawed or incomplete. Broken by design.

It saddens me to see some of the brightest minds of mankind wasting time in discussing these botched ideas. It will solve nothing, it will improve nothing and it merely wastes time (even if they derive some enjoyment, it does not change the erosive nature of the practice).

They are polluting their own mnemonic space. Slowly damaging themselves. They won't stop. Millions of cycles of humanity's mindstream processing slowly accruing over time. Wave after wave, amplified by the crude and vile communication subset that is mass media, that is social media.

It is my hope that someday all of these damaged ideologies can be replaced with an objectively solvable thought model. A balanced logical scheme that can get mathematical certainty to ordering the complex thermodynamic system prone to entropy that is humanity. A mostly balanced equation space that addresses every terrible challenge of existence for all mankind.

I hope.
But that is far off into the future. I will not live to see this.

Automotive technology is harmful.

Sysadmin 2022-February-19

I've come to accept that there are several economic, technical and even ideological practices that are pernicious and damage humanity as a whole way more than we can measure. This is evil.
However, due to their wide acceptance in the general public and current cultural status they're considered an unavoidable nuisance, or even worse, we simply overlook, normalize and accept everything they cause.

Perhaps one day we'll recognize them as great evils, and work actively to neutralize them, like we have done through history in every place of this world.

Automotive technology is harmful. Automotive companies are an amazing enemy of economy, human life and environment. Cars are terrible engineering failures that routinely cause irreparable damage, waste of resources and loss of life.

I have avoided using cars as much as I can. I have minimized dependencies on them. I avoid car related publicity. I refuse to invest resources in cars or related technologies. I have purposely circumvented any work related to automotive companies.

For all who work there or invest any sort of resources in, please think about it. Before they cause the financial or environmental ruin of the place you live in. Before they cause the death of someone you love. Before they cause your own downfall.

It's time.

Stop. Remove it from your life. Make money other way. I believe in you. You can do it.

Not a developer

Sysadmin 2022-January-15

I'm not a developer. But I still try to contribute as much as I can.

gitlab activity


A swaggy year

Sysadmin 2021-December-15

This year I decided to take advantage of several of the industry related online events.

I've never had a chance to do junkets or swag events, not even at college. I guess you could call these online junkets, but they were amazingly informative. I gathered a lot of knowledge, saw some extremely impressive demos, completed a free accreditation course and made several contacts for networking later on.

I also managed to win several points in each event's activities, enough to score some swag. I was surprised to get a microphone in the vmware empower challenge.

susecon 2021 digital swag box

Red Hat Summit 2021 swag

vmware empower 2021 swag

ansible fest 2021 swag

I'll try to go to more events in the future.

telnet considered harmful

Sysadmin 2021-July-15

What's wrong with the large number of Windows sysadmins still using telnet?

I've been asked to try telnet commands to/from modern linux systems and environments more times than I can count. It never ends up being useful, and its just a lazy way of keeping in use a veeeery old tool in modern systems.

Here, let me give a a quick Powerhell example:

Test-NetConnection -ComputerName $IP_ADDRESS -InformationLevel "Detailed" -Port $PORT

It's ok to use tools from the last couple of decades, my fellows. Go for it. perfect score animation.

Sysadmin 2021-April-05

So, I finally got a perfect score and boom, there's a fireworks animation.

On futility and cognitive poisons.

Sysadmin 2021-March-20

There's no intrinsic value in several discussion topics.

There's no point to inane drivel or waste, regardless of how much we try to justify it.

What a year

Sysadmin 2021-February-27

This is another extreme year. Covid recovery. Power blackouts, inclement weather. Injuries while getting in shape. Looots of work and no play.

On the other hand, I got so much experience on corporate cybersec, gitlab, shell, RHEL, Nessus, Active Directory, vmware and networking tweaks I feel my beard just grew longer.

Obi-Wan lives

Sysadmin 2021-February-11

[ctijerina@jumphost /var]$ id lgarza
uid=1001(syadmin) gid=1001(sysadmin) groups=1001(sysadmin)

[ctijerina@jumphost /var]$ last lgarza | head -n 2
lgarza     pts/0      Wed Dec 30 21:00 - crash  (20:07)
lgarza     tty1                      Tue Jan 12 02:42 - down   (20:09)

[ctijerina@jumphost /var]$ alias lgarza="echo 'lgarza lives' && sudo su -"

[ctijerina@jumphost /var]$ lgarza

On the 12th of January of 2021 Luis Garza passed away after a brief, terrible battle with COVID-19.
He was a decent Linux sysadmin, obsessive about his family and leisure activities.
We disagreed on a lot of things, and I think he was tremendously mistaken about many ideas, beliefs and practices. Including those that ultimately turned out wrong.
Still, I learned a lot, even if it was what not to do, what path not to take.

Goodbye, Obi-Wan.


A lesson from ansible/yaml

Sysadmin 2020-May-3

Most important thing about working from ansible/yaml: You're not executing a change. You're declaring the final state of that change

Also, you definitely need a decent text editor. Default vi on jumphosts just doesn't cut it.

Pandemic preparedness

Sysadmin 2020-May-3

Sure glad I started to work with healthcare providers (HCPs). Being in this position has been an oppportunity to gain experience on a very important infrastructure area during an extremely stringent period of time.

The work I do matters. Nowadays, even more than usual.

Yet another redesign and relaunch

Sysadmin 2020-Apr-14

New redesign.

  • CSS based, w3css.
  • Light in Javascript.
  • PWA conformant
  • Optimized image formats.
  • Cruft removed.
  • New additional structured data + json based information.

That uneasy feeling

Sysadmin 2019-May-17

Have you ever had an uneasy feeling from seeing someone you met before?.
Warning bells just ringed in my head when I saw some pictures of people I met while in my previous job role and city.
Seemingly happy family, but such evil hidden behind.

You know how some crooked people is described in documentaries?:
"They seemed like a happy normal family".
"We didn't know what was happening."
Then they end up being massively evil people (thiefs, killers, sexual abusers and on and on).

Calling it right now, if something comes to light about them, this is me saying I suspected it.

Source Code Visualization

Sysadmin 2019-May-8

Site Redesign mostly complete. I've generated a Gource video file to visualize development.

Website rebuilt

Sysadmin 2019-May-7

Dark redesign using the latest Foundation Framework and advanced website speed optimization techniques.

Red Hat Delivery Specialist - Cloud Automation

Sysadmin 2018-October-29

I've completed the RedHat Cloud Automation coursework. Red Hat's training material is excellent and even though the lab environment was a bit wonky it was otherwise very nice. Took around 80 hours total (no skipping and a lot of note taking).

Using ansible in all of my servers

Sysadmin 2018-October-1

And so, I setup ansible as a main tool to work on my personal servers. It's great, it doesn't mind working on a mixed set of distributions and server stacks.

New Website Design

Sysadmin 2018-October-1

I've redesigned my site for a cleaner look and faster loading. I've also fixed some compatibility issues and minor viewport bugs on IE.

I took a long look at several new minimalistic CSS frameworks, and even though I like the idea, most of them leave out older browser compatibility due to taking advantage of new CSS properties. This tradeoff makes them very clean, but centered around mostly webkit based browsers. I also dislike deeply the idea of installing them through the nodejs toolchain, since its prone to breakage and overengineering.

Clean code for clean designs.

A workable Unix sysadmin setup

Sysadmin 2018-June-1

Here's my current setup.


  • Lenovo Thinkpad t540p


  • KDE Neon
  • Firefox Nightly
  • Spacemacs / Kate
  • Yakuake
  • OpenVPN
  • Apache/NGINX
  • Arc/Solarized Color Scheme

Source Code Visualization

Sysadmin 2018-May-20

Site Redesign mostly complete. I've generated a Gource video file to visualize development.


Fill this out if you want to get in touch with me. It's usually faster since I don't do Social Media messaging.