El fracaso de mi startup

No todas las startups son exitosas y no todo lo relacionado a las startups es una historia inspiradora de entrepreneurship (emprendimiento) y sueños alcanzados. Algunas veces, las ideas y el trabajo duro no son suficientes y las historias no tienen un final muy feliz. Tuve una idea para una startup, la ejecuté y fracasó. Les contaré qué pasó, cómo pasó y que aprendí. La Idea Hosting. Hospedaje. Un pedazo de espacio en un servidor, un cúmulo entre la nube. Quería cubrir la necesidad de hosting barato en espacios de tiempo


What happens when you search "Web developer Saltillo" ?

There's an area in SEO called "Niche Site Optimization" that refers to almost always small, specialized websites that appeal to only a narrow, targeted market rather than commonly used, wide spread topics. A Web Professional should have its own website Just like many professionals, I believe in dogfooding one's creations. A couple of years ago, I decided to test a lot of my self-learned SEO techniques in my own website and net properties. I chose a small, localized list of long-tail keywords that would make my site visible to very


So I am a technical book reviewer for published works

I've worked on a few books as a Technical reviewer. I'm quite proficient in CSS frameworks and I was invited to review the work in this book about Zurb's excellent Foundation Framework. I worked in Packt's Learning Zurb Foundation I highly recommend this book if you want to get started in development with this great framework. It really speeds up development and gives you quite a few good ideas. I think of this as a nice achievement since English is not my native language and I did get to work


Gravitational Redshift

There's been a gradual, ongoing, change in my personal development. I'm edging towards a different direction in Ideology, Technological and methodological work. It's reflecting who I am, how I behave, what I believe in and how its all integrated in a coherent personality. This has happened often to me. Each season, each age, each year I change. There's a core of oneself that gets redesigned, built and worn out as you grow. Everything I am is shifting.