Just a small peek at what I'm working on. I want to update my current online resume and I'm testing Foundation for sites 6 and Material Design Lite as alternative Frontend Frameworks. So far I like the MDL a bit more, even though its semantics and class naming system its convoluted to use (and by god, I need to tweak the font size, its way too big in some places).
So I am a technical book reviewer for published works
I've worked on a few books as a Technical reviewer. I'm quite proficient in CSS frameworks and I was invited to review the work in this book about Zurb's excellent Foundation Framework. I worked in Packt's Learning Zurb Foundation I highly recommend this book if you want to get started in development with this great framework. It really speeds up development and gives you quite a few good ideas. I think of this as a nice achievement since English is not my native language and I did get to work
DevOps, Agile, Scrum, Lean et al: It's just Engineering
I try to keep in touch with modern methodologies, trends, practices and the tools they provide you. I enjoy learning and tweaking and upgrading the status quo of several areas of knowledge, both professional and general. It's not a "professional journey" but rather, constant intellectual evolution. And it's not only in Software Engineering/Web development/Project Management (my main professional interest), but rather, I apply them to the way I live my life, think and act. I'm old enough to have seen a few trends emerge in Software Development, become